Writing about all the big & little things

Ren Fest 2012

Yesterday Tim & I took the kids to the Renaissance Festival here in town.  We had been given 2 free tickets and we discovered that the kids would be free–so why not?  Chloe had a fantastic time seeing all of the animals and princess stuff.  Josiah was a bit fussy and developed a really weird rash 1/2 way through the trip (that mysteriously went away as mysteriously as it began… we have no idea.  Maybe he’s allergic to hay?) but was otherwise fine.  We decided the best option was to take the single jogging stroller for him to ride in, which was a smart idea since we did a lot of walking.  I found that I had a better time than normal since we took our time and I was excited to show Chloe all the fun, whimsical things.  Plus we enjoyed some ridiculously expensive but delicious food (pickles, chocolate covered pecans, turkey legs, funnel cakes, etc… ) and food makes me happy.  🙂

Here are some pictures from our adventure!

Tim and Chloe getting a giant pickle from our favorite "pickle guy" who's there EVERY year! 🙂

Chloe and Josiah in front of the Camel and Elephant. She was too scared of it to look directly at me... and Josiah wasn't sure what the big deal was all about.

We tried to get a picture closer to the elephant, but Chloe was not fooled!

Josiah and the sheep had a stand-off

Chloe and I enjoyed browsing through the tiara's!

Chloe got to choose one thing--and after the seeing everything she decided on a butterfly wand. She loves it!

1 Comment

  1. Nana

    Sounds like a really fun day. Looks like the weather was perfect. Too bad about JD’s rash, but at least it went away. Tell Chloe I think her wand was a very good choice. It is pretty and will last a long time and she can use it for all sorts of magical things.

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