3. I am thankful for shopping carts that fit both kids.
I admit that I scoffed at those silly shopping carts before I had two kids. You know the carts: the ones with a giant race car on the front with a steering wheel and everything. Or at target they have two huge bucket seats attached to the front. I said to myself, “My goodness, why do you need to cart around your kids in that? Can’t they walk?”
And then on days like today I laughed at my ridiculousness as I grabbed a red race car cart to make my way through the grocery store. And boy, was I ever thankful for that cart. It was crazy busy. And I was on my last fuze–after making our way through Target and missing lunch and then discovering JD had leaked out of his diaper and I didn’t bring a change of clothes. So, as I walked through the store (with one child missing pants!) I smiled at the joy of having them contained. 🙂
Sometimes it’s the simple things in life.
I too am thankful for big carts as I often need space for at least 3-4! It makes shopping much easier!
Well, one way that you have it easier than we did, although I was very blessed with kids who behaved in the stores. Most of the time. And I often just waited until evening and went shopping alone while you guys were home with Dad.