4. I am thankful for our house.

It’s easy in the midst of a house hunting to quickly forget how luck we are to own a house in the first place.  I am truly thankful to have this house–it has served us well for a long time.  We have fabulous memories linked to living here that we will forever remember.  Our kids will remember “our first house” and “our tiny yard.”  🙂  We’ve done a lot of experimenting and learning with home repairs in this house–some worked just like we planned and others, not so much.  It was a learning experience in opening up 100 year old walls.  You just never know what you’re going to find!

But mostly I’m thankful for the comfort and security of knowing this is our home.  This is where we feel safe and can be completely ourselves.  I love it.

This was taken in 2005--how often do you step back and take a picture of your house? Not very often I guess!