Writing about all the big & little things

Hello 2013: A new beginning!

January 1st.  A new year.  I admit we missed ringing in 2013 and were in bed long before midnight–the joys of having little kids who don’t understand the concept of sleeping in.  Tim was a gem and ventured out into the bitter cold  this morning to let me start off the new year with a delicious cup of coffee from Caribou.  It was wonderful.  🙂

So, here’s to a new year full of endless possibilities.    I’ve been thinking of  new year’s resolutions and my vision for the next year.   I’ve decided that I really have goals than resolutions.  Sure maybe they are synonymous but I’m learning as I get older that my will-power to hold to something is waning.  So, I’ve decided I favor the word goal over resolution.  That way I can set a goal to accomplish “X” number of things this year and if I have a really bad month, no big deal, because I still have more months to catch back up again.  Some of my goals are very broad, but some are specific.  Of course, another thing I’ve also discovered about myself as I get older, is that (how does that saying go again?) “my mouth is much bigger than my stomach.”  I make extensive lists and plans and then am only able to accomplish a tiny portion of what I want.  Maybe that should be a goal–that I actually try and do what I set my mind up to do!  🙂

I’m still working on figuring out what exactly I want on my goals list for this year, but here are a couple think I know I’m adding:

* Finish Chloe’s First Year Scrapbook

* Finish Josiah’s First Year Scrapbook

* Read “The Blessed Woman”

* Lose weight

* Fill the remaining open lesson slots

* Practice piano more


  1. Jen

    The Blessed Woman is soooo good! You’re gonna love it!

  2. Chris

    Great goals, I heard somewhere that good goals are SMART – that stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic (for you) and Time bound (like by when or how often?). You might want to tweak them just a bit to be more specific and time-bound. They are all pretty measurable, attainable and realistic, so you’re on your way to really great goals!


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