I was looking back through old pictures and I ran across this:
I had completely forgotten about this! I had blocked out those days–especially having to bathe her with a big plastic bag over her arm! Haha! But more importantly, she seems so young to me now. Josiah is rounding up toward 2 years old which is exactly when this happened to her, and he seems so tiny to break any bones. Yikes! But it happened. Even if I can’t remember it, I have tons of pictures to keep it locked in our memories. She doesn’t remember it either…which is probably better. And it really didn’t hamper her spirits at all!
Oh, yes. And I remember you worrying about her having easily broken bones, then her telling you about how the mower did it and you finally figuring out what must have happened. Too bad that when kids’ vocabularies are good enough to explain past events, they can’t remember them!