Writing about all the big & little things




The other day I had the Playstation on to let the kids watch a show (we love “My Little Pony” around here!) and then walked away to do other things.  The show ended and I told them they couldn’t watch anymore, but I also hadn’t walked up and turned off the system yet…

Much to my surprise, when I walked into the room a couple minutes later, I found Josiah with the Playstation controller zipping around the menu trying to get another show started all by himself!  That little stinker!

He was almost in the right spot–which would have really complicated things because all his efforts would have worked and then I’m sure he would be trying EVERY time I left the room–but luckily didn’t quite get it started.


“See Mom, I was just HELPING you by starting a new show… “



  1. chris

    Quite a handy little boy you’ve got there.

  2. Kylene


    Have you got it so the controller turns off by itself after a certain amount of time? If you do that, but don’t teach them the trick of turning it back on by holding the PS button, that might help stem the problem. 😉

    He’s going to be a handful, isn’t he?! 🙂

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