Writing about all the big & little things

Chloe’s room make-over

When we moved in both upstairs kids rooms were already painted pink.  This worked in our favor with Chloe since she LOVES pink.  It does mean that Josiah will need a more massive room make-over someday, but he’s young enough that it’s not really a problem right now (besides the surprised look on people’s faces when they walk into his room and are stunned at the vibrant pink shade… hehe!).

Here’s Chloe’s room for reference:


Tim and I have had discussions about what we would like Josiah’s room to look like someday, which involves repainting and adding Cars decals (since he’s gaga about them right now).  However in all the discussion Chloe started to feel a little bit left out since her room was basically “done” already.  So, we decided to help her pick out something to make her room her own, and we came up with…. adorable flower decals!  I was excited because I wanted to steer clear of princess items in case she is out of that phase soon and flowers will be able to (hopefully) span many years.

Here is the finished design–isn’t it fun!  It’s like it’s raining flowers! 🙂

chloe's room after flower

They even trail a little bit above her closet…

more flowers on her wall

We opted to only do the flowers on one wall because I thought it might be a little overwhelming (and also because I didn’t want to have to buy that many!)  She is pleased as punch.  The only negative is that I didn’t clean the walls before applying the stickers (apparently an important step) so some of the flower have fallen off.  It’s not really a big deal.  We just have to stick them back on again.  🙂  It’s like a work of art that can always be morphing!


  1. Kristen B.

    That’s super cute!

  2. chris

    So adorable! You have such great ideas!

  3. Amy

    She looks so grown up. The flowers are really cute!

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