Chloe had her very first official program on Friday night. I had planned to miss it because I couldn’t afford to take off a night of teaching–especially with the recital coming this weekend–but lo and behold, I had a few cancellations and then a few swapping… and I was able to go! It was short and sweet. Here was the program…
They performed 4 songs. It wasn’t singing… it was more like rapping actually, since they just spoke the words in time. 🙂 But it was cute. And in their defense it was three classes combined of 3 year olds and 4 year olds and Chloe is now 5… so they had never ever been all together before. That’s a pretty wide range of ages. And with everyone onstage at the same time there were 41 kids. At home she was able to sing them for me with the correct tune, but when they all started “performing” them there the 3 year olds drown out the singing with their loud speaking. 🙂 But like I said, it was still cute. It was fun to watch Chloe be nervous and then see us and visibly relax (and then wave frantically).

Chloe was by far the tallest. She was soooooo excited to get to dress up in her fancy dress and wear her “clip clop” shoes.
After the program they had cookies in the gym, but we didn’t stay because the line was really long and Josiah was starting to get wild. But before we left Chloe got to take a picture with her good friend Maddy. Aren’t they adorable…?
And then of course we wanted to take a family picture. She did great even though she was nervous. She had been telling me all week that she was looking forward to the program the most so I’m glad it was a success!
Wow, what an exciting night for Chloe! She looks so beautiful and, of course, we all know she is talented. The picture of her and Maddy is so precious – both of them with their shiny dresses, patent leather shoes, and hair decorations on the same side! Makes me wish I lived closer and go attend things like that, but what would I do the rest of the time? Better stay where I have students…