Writing about all the big & little things

Wordless Wednesday: Winter Coated Tree

Pretty tree outside my front door...

I know it’s just a picture of a tree… and it never is quite as pretty in pictures as it is in real life, but I like it anyway.  🙂  This is the tree right outside my front door.


  1. chris

    I think it is pretty. I took some winter tree pictures just after sunrise the other day, to try to catch the golden glow the ice on them had that time of day, but they didn’t turn out as well as I’d hoped. For one thing, by the time I’d gone in and gotten the camera, the sun had come up enough more that they weren’t quite a orange as they had been a minute or so earlier!

  2. Kylene

    That is pretty!

    Next time, try to get more of what makes the tree so pretty. Get closer to the tree so it’s more of the focal point of the photo. Watch your background and get the sky or just snow on the ground instead of the neighbor’s house. And like Mom said, the light changes drastically over the day, so look at the ways light at different times of the day effects the lighting of the tree. 🙂

    It looks like you took the photo from inside your house, which makes sense. Because while it’s a pretty tree, it looks COLD!!!

    Do you know what kind of tree it is? I wonder if it’ll bust out in blooms in spring.

  3. Erica

    Haha! Yeah… I didn’t want to actually go outside to take the picture… so this was as good of a picture that I could get from my front door window. 🙂 I don’t know what kind of tree it is… hmmmm…

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