Writing about all the big & little things

Last Day of Preschool!

Tonight Chloe has her Preschool Graduation–which I know is a little over the top for someone as young as she is… but I still think it’s cool.  It’s an achievement and it will let her be excited to go into Kindergarten next year.  Leaving the house on a bus in the Fall  is a big change and she’s a little worried about it so having a celebration of the change is fun.  Here was her picture today… (oh and be sure to come back tomorrow for the comparison pictures of her first day of school vs. her last day of school–they’re awesome!)

Can you tell she REALLY liked Preschool?  She's so sad to be done!

Can you tell she REALLY liked Preschool? She’s so sad to be done!


Ok--she actually was VERY EXCITED to go to school today, so don't be worried that I sent her to class crying!  ;)

Actually….. she was VERY EXCITED to go to school today, so don’t be worried that I sent her to class crying! 😉


My grown-up little girl... sigh.

My grown-up little girl… sigh.


  1. Kristen B

    In that top picture, she really looks like Allison!

  2. chris

    Tell Chloe congratulations from Nana and Bumpa. We are so proud of her!

  3. Kylene

    That’s so fun! I can’t wait to see you guys later this summer!

  4. Patsy Friesen

    I agree with Kristen regarding the resemblance of Chloe and Allison! Must be the frown. 😉

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