We are halfway through the summer.
How did that happen?
I had such lofty dreams of what I was going to accomplish over the summer and now I only have 1/2 the summer left to do everything. Well, that’s not entirely true. I have done some things, but not nearly enough! The thing that has taken up most of my time for the past 3 weeks has been getting the nursery remodeled for church. I have spent more hours than I care to count painting and painting and painting, and then organizing and decorating and arranging… But I’m happy to announce that I am finally finished. Whew! (More to come about this soon)
So, here we are at the end of July and I’m determined to start getting busy having fun. 🙂
Look out everyone!
It seems to me that it is going fast, too. I wonder if it is because the weather has been so nice that we haven’t had to “suffer through” any of it yet. Suffering always makes time go slower!