Showing off his MUSTACHE cupcakes. 😉 Yes, he picked that out.
So, excited to blow out his candle!
This is a picture of the 3 little girl cousins looking “inconspicuous” trying to hide Josiah’s big present behind them. Haha! This cracks me up!
Here is Josiah finding out what was under the blanket! It’s a new train table!!!! Thank you Aunties & Uncles and Grandma Patsy!
It’s really cool. And he LOVES IT. 🙂
And, of course, his Birthday wasn’t complete without getting more underwear!
His pleasure at getting underwear just cracks me up! I remember your look when you got underwear from Grandma every year – not the same. And that picture of the three girls is precious – what a threesome they make!
We totally enjoyed the party – thanks for inviting us to be a part of it. We always say we want to see the grandkids more often, but we have to make a point to DO IT!