I had an idea the other morning. It was really hot (not even mid morning yet) and I was looking down off of our deck watching the kids play in the grass. Suddenly it struck me how cool it would be to hold the sprinkler off of the deck and spray the kids. Then it occurred to me that it would be EVEN cooler if I could just attach the sprinkler to the deck so I wouldn’t have to hold it! So, after a little creative “strapping” we had our new fun invention. Chloe exclaimed what a cool mom I was. 🙂
Then Tim came home from worship team practice and took one look and said, “Wow! Someone is a fun Mom!” (“I know, right?!”) Then he paused and looked at it a little more and said. “I have an even better idea.”
So, a couple hours later and a trip to Lowe’s…. here was Tim’s creation.
Yes, I’ll willingly admit his idea is a bit more awesome than mine. But I’ll take credit for inspiring his idea. 😉 Either way, we’ve been having loads of fun. Oh, and our grass is happy and greener now too!
Have they been using their umbrellas under their own personal rain cloud?
What I’d like to see is how you hooked up four hoses at one time!
Is a 4-way splitter. He got it at Lowe’s. They can all run at once, but it really works best if they only have 2 running at once. Then it has better water pressure. 🙂