Writing about all the big & little things

Happy Birthday Chloe!

Chloe turned 6 years old on Sunday.  It was a very fun day and she told me she had a FANTASTIC day.  The theme of the day was Rainbows.   Oh, and the big highlight of turning 6 was that she got to decide if she wanted to cut her hair (more than just a trim) or not.  She had been mentioning it for quite some time and I was worried that it was just a passing phase, so we set a time and if she still wanted it when that time arrived then she could do it.  So, the big day finally arrived and she decided she wanted her hair to touch her shoulders and add a little bit of bangs.


I let Chloe pick a “theme” for the party and she chose RAINBOW.   It thought that was cute–and really fun to do!

DSC_0003Oh!  And I made her a rainbow tutu that I’m very proud of.  🙂  And she LOVED it!

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1 Comment

  1. chris

    Such a beautiful job you did putting together a rainbow party. You are so creative! And Chloe looks so beautiful in all the pictures. What a sweetheart you’ve got there!

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