Writing about all the big & little things

17weeks pregnant

For those of you who don’t live close to me, here’s a picture of what I look like now.  🙂  I know you were probably DYING to know, right?

17 weeks two pictures

I couldn’t resist also putting in the picture with Josiah posing… haha!

I’m feeling dandy this time around being pregnant.  Actually I’ve felt fine through all of my pregnancies.  But this time is no different–except that I’ve gotten bigger faster.  But I have to attribute part of that to being heavier at the start of this pregnancy.  I’m so excited to start feeling the baby move.  I expect in the next 2-3 weeks I should be able to feel tiny kicks.

I’ve dug into my maternity bin to pull out pants already, but the shirts look a bit tent-like still.  I’m also discovering that a lot of my maternity shirts have been a bit shrunk and misshapen after going through 2 pregnancies of washing and wearing… so I might need to find a few new shirts as I get bigger.

My ultrasound appointment is just less than 3 weeks away–I’m really excited to see the baby (and make sure there is only ONE in there!)  😉  We haven’t even started talking about names yet…

And that’s me in a nutshell at 17 weeks along.  🙂


  1. chris

    That is so cute with Josiah! He has quite the belly there, too! Life must be so amusing with him as a side-kick!

  2. Spud


  3. Stacy

    You look beautiful! I am so glad that you are feeling great. 🙂 I have heard a lot of women (of all shapes and sizes) talk about showing faster in subsequent pregnancies. You look adorable.

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