Writing about all the big & little things

19 Weeks!

One week from today we have the ultrasound to find out how the baby is doing–I am so excited!  The other night I asked Tim if he thought it was going to be a boy or a girl.  It was funny, because he had the same answer as me, without us ever discussing it before… I’m not going to tell you yet.  🙂  First I’m going to let you all guess what you think it might be.

What do you think?  Friesen Baby #3:  Girl or Boy?

I keep going back in forth in my mind about how one or the other would mesh better with our family.   Truth be told, it’s times like these that I’m so thankful that we don’t get to decide.  It’s so much more comforting to leave it in God’s hands and know that he will give our family just what it needs.

One thing is for sure:  We have agreed that our family will be complete with 5.  So, no more after this.   Tim and I are both excited to start clearing out the baby clothes and maternity stuff in the near future.  As soon as I’m done being pregnant this time I’m going to be able to pass along a very large bin of maternity clothes to whoever might need it.  And after the baby is born we’ll be able to get rid of the opposite gender clothing.  We have boxes and boxes of clothes stored in our garage.  Seriously–it’s a lot of boxes.  Of course, that’s still a few months down the road, but after moving ALL those boxes from house to house (twice!) it will be nice to use them and then be done with them.  🙂


  1. Spud

    I think you are having a boy! I also wanted to say that it does feel so good to get rid of the extra boxes and all those clothes. We were done after #3 as well. When we found out that we were having a girl we saved a couple of boy outfits, just in case, and gave the rest away!! Also I have a whole empty bun downstairs now that the majority of my maternity stuff is gone! Enjoy your pregnancy and I can’t wait to find out the gender of #3!!

  2. Jen

    I’m guessing one of each 😉

  3. Amy

    I’m guessing it’s a girl.

  4. Patsy Friesen

    Just to let you know Don thought too we were done at 3 BUT GOD had better plans. I had wanted 12 but after working in the children’s home for a couple years I decided 6 would be fine. Well God gave us 4 blessing but there were times when I felt as though I was missing a couple kids.
    Regarding sex of grchild, I like Jennifer’s idea!

  5. chris

    I’m weighing in with Jen and Patsy. I’d love twin grandchildren!

  6. Tim

    Let’s not get carried away here…..

  7. Kylene

    Boy! But I’m super amused by Tim’s response to the twins comments. 😀

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