I’m embracing my “big-ness” since I’ve crossed over the point of no return. I’m very clearly pregnant now. 🙂 See?
I’m feeling good still, just a bit of hip pain on my left side. I remember that from when I was pregnant with Josiah… In fact, by the end I had hip & lower back pain, and had to go to the chiropractor. I’m curious if I’ll need to do that again… I like going to the chiropractor, it’s just not covered by our insurance, so it costs a lot for us.
In other news, tonight’s the topic of the hour is “what colors are in this dress?” Many of you have probably seen the picture…
Tim and I have had a looooooooong discussion about the dress. I see it as a blue dress with black lace. He sees it as a white dress with gold lace. The funny part is that I DID see it as gold and white earlier tonight, and now I only see black and blue! I know it’s an optical illusion and how our eyes/brains are interpreting the colors–but it’s maddening!
White with gold. I can’t understand how it could possibly look blue and black, but I’ll come back later when my eyes are tired and look again. what color do you see the jacket, then – blue? Because I see it white.
Oh, but the way – you know you were the third baby and a girl, so it is like history repeating itself – it is another Erica in your belly! If so, you are in for a delight!
And imagine how frustrating it is for me–KNOWING I saw it as white and gold before, without a shadow of a doubt, and said to myself, “there’s NO WAY it could be black and blue”… and now I ONLY see black and blue! I feel like I’m going crazy! 🙂
Yes, the jacket is blue.
When I saw this dress on Facebook yesterday the first color that popped to mind was periwinkle and gold. Years ago I was told Periwinkle is a universal color it looks good on all skin tones. And of course, who doesn’t look good in gold!
But do you know why some people see it different than others? This is really bugging me!
I think it has to do with the way the light rebounds in your eyes… let me see if I can find the write up about it.
Here: this article is interesting and informative…
It has always looked blue and black to me. I never saw it as any other color. I guess the specific blue color would be more periwinkle (like Patsy said).