Writing about all the big & little things

Pregnancy Update: 29 Weeks

That’s right folks, I’m just about to cross into the 30’s weeks in my pregnancy.  I’m really excited to hit 30 weeks.  Somehow (and I know it’s completely mental) 29 weeks seems to far away and 30 weeks seems so close.  And now that we’re into April my goal is to just make it through to the end of the school year, which is the end of May.  I don’t care when the baby comes in June.  As long as it comes in June.  🙂

I went in for another appointment last Thursday and I was measuring 3 over again.  The midwife was concerned and scheduled me for a growth check ultrasound.  I fought it for a little bit, since I’m aware that I just tend to be a big pregnant woman.  I’ve made my peace with it, why can’t everyone else!?  😉  But after thinking it through and talking it over with Tim we decided that if there was even a possibility that there might be something wrong we should have the ultrasound.  I would just kick myself forever if I didn’t have the ultrasound done and then later discovered there was a problem that could have been prevented if we had seen it earlier.  So, I went back in that afternoon and had the ultrasound.  It was kind of fun.  I have such normal pregnancies that I only have ever had the one ultrasound for each baby at 20 weeks.  So this one (being at 28 weeks) was so much more interesting.  She’s getting bigger and starting to put on a little fat which makes her look a bit cuter.   And, happily, there was nothing to be concerned about.  She is measuring just mere days ahead of schedule.  They weren’t entirely sure why I’m measuring big, but nothing was worrisome.  (whew!)

I’m feeling pretty good.  Nothing much to report about this pregnancy.  Once in a while my hands feel tight like I have too much blood pushing against the skin, which is not the most delightful feeling.  But I was reading back about my other pregnancies, and I’m happy to report I don’t have any of the other “charming” pregnancy problems I had (yet… I do have a couple more months to go of course) such as: PUPPS, massive swelling in my ankles and carpel tunnel.   So, even if they do come back to haunt me, at least I can say I made it this far without those problems.  🙂

And finally a picture… the camera was dead, so Tim took this on his phone.

29 weeks


  1. Amy

    I’m so glad you got a good report from the ultrasound! You are in the home stretch now! Our family will actually be in MN around your due date. So, if she cooperates, maybe we can meet her while we are there 🙂

  2. Erica

    Amy–That would be so awesome!

  3. chris

    You are such a cute pregnant lady!! Just tell them your mother was huge when she was pregnant, too. They just didn’t worry about stuff like that so much back in the 80’s. Are you doing exercises to keep your back in shape? Having that much weight out front is such a strain on the back, as you know. I’m so glad this pregnancy is going better than the others. I know it still isn’t fun, but at least it isn’t awful!

  4. Erica

    (sheepish grin) well… I haven’t been doing any exercises recently… It’s never too late to start, right? 😉

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