Writing about all the big & little things

Maddie is 2 weeks old: how’s life going?

Well, it’s been two weeks.  It’s hard to believe that at this time two weeks ago I was sitting at home still, feeling quite uncomfortably large and very pregnant still.   But here we are.  The time flies by.

Maddie is a wonderfully good baby.  We’ve pretty much transitioned her to the nursery at night already and (knock on wood) she’s consistently getting up just once or twice a night.  She’s also pretty much on a schedule–with minor ebbs and flows each day–thanks to brushing back up on our Babywise book principles.

The kids are still soooooooo in love with her.  They still ask to hold her every day and Chloe is as fast a bullet if she starts crying to help comfort her.

I can tell I’m still a little bit hazy, mostly with my communication.  I can’t seem to find the right word quite fast enough as I’m processing and talking with others, but I know that will get better as I get a little more sleep.  Most nights I get about 6-7 hours, but I know that I need more like 9 to be on my game.  I just need a lot of sleep.  😉

Otherwise, I’m feeling awesome.  I tell you, the 3rd baby is so much less stressful than the first 2!

I’m working on uploading a video of Maddie for those of you who can’t see her in person right now.  So check back tomorrow for that.  🙂



  1. Amy

    The third baby is definitely easier than the first two! It will keep getting better and better 🙂

  2. chris

    So glad you are finding things easier than in the past. Not getting enough sleep will still be a problem, but you know it doesn’t last forever, plus you have a helpful husband! Hope you are having a relaxing weekend!

  3. Patsy Friesen

    Josiah was looking forward to seeing his baby sister, Madison. ………and daddy and mommy. 😀

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