It’s hard to believe by looking at the picture that she needs bathtime rehab. But what you can’t see is the 10 minutes leading up to getting her to actually sit in the sink… 😉 I’m just delighted that it’s going better.
Only one more day of teaching and then I’m on summer break! This week has been exceptionally busy just getting ready for the recital and wrapping up loose ends here and there. Plus I forget that I do everything at a slightly slower pace when I’m pregnant.
Speaking of slower pace, yesterday morning I decided to take a walk to a friends’ house to drop off a few things we had borrowed. It didn’t seem like very far in my head when I left……… 2 hours and 5 miles later I was regretting my decision. By the time we rounded on mile 4 my hips hurt so bad I was down to a pathetic saunter. I forgot that I’m limited when I’m pregnant. In my defense of it taking 2 hours, we did stop to talk to my friend when we got there AND I let Josiah play at a park near home since he was so tired too.
Chloe only has 5 days of school left. It’s very exciting!
She looks pretty happy in the picture. Hopefully next time she’ll remember the fun she had. Five miles?! That is quite a walk! That was over and back, right? 2 1/2 miles each way? Just asking because I can’t imagine deciding that a 5 mile walk one way was short!
Yeah, it was 5 miles round trip. I normally walk about 3 miles, so it was a bit more than I bargained for!
Yikes! I’m sorry I wasn’t driving by to give you a lift. And if Josiah was tired, well I’m just glad you got home safely.
She looks like such a happy little muchkin!