Writing about all the big & little things

June 28th: Results of Slim-in-6!!!

Today marks the end of my Slim-in-6!  Well, it should actually be called “Slim-in-4-then a week off and a week of running”…  I did the videos for 4 weeks then I took a half a week off (I can’t remember why at the moment, but I know I did) then for the past 1 1/2 weeks I’ve been running instead.  It’s just too hard for me to fit an hour video into my day when Chloe doesn’t take a morning nap anymore… And I’m actually enjoying running this time around, so I’m happy to be back at it.  Plus, I agreed to take part in a triathlon coming up in a couple of weeks and I’m doing the running part of it, so I really needed to get training anyway!

Anyway, back to the results:  I lost 5 pounds and 6 inches.

I must admit I’m a bit disappointed with the total numbers, but I’m trying to focus on the good–I’m back into the groove of exercising again, and I’m feeling TONS better.  I can tell I’m much more toned and my stomach is quite a bit flatter.  I’m also starting to make better eating decisions, which (as anyone who’s tried to lose weight knows) is more than half the battle.  So, all in all, I would say this was a success.  Perhaps not the amazing jaw dropping success story I was hoping for, but still inching in the right direction.


  1. Amy

    5 pounds in 6 weeks is awesome! I know you were hoping for more, but 5 pounds is still good!

  2. Krista


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