The transition is final–we have eliminated Chloe’s morning nap. She is officially down to one afternoon nap. This time the transition went awesome. It just goes to show that every child is different. Even though statistics show that most kids go down to one nap at an earlier age Chloe just really needed her sleep. We tried to take it out just after Christmas (at 16 months) and she was most definitely NOT ready. But now (at 21 months) it has been a pretty much seamless transition. Yay!
This week is going to be exciting and full. Monday looks to be free (except for perhaps one makeup lesson) so I plan to finish deep cleaning the house and running errands. Tuesday and Wednesday I teach all day both days. Wednesday evening Kylene & Justin will be here spending the night. Thursday morning the four of us (Kylene, Justin, Chloe and I) will head out to visit my Grandma Fritz in Waukesha, WI. Friday afternoon K & J will head to a family reunion in Iowa and Chloe & I will head back up to Chetek to spend the night at my folks house–it will make the drive back shorter. Saturday we’ll finally return back home. Monday night K & J will arrive back here to spend the night before their early flight back home. It should be a delightful week!
You know, when you started putting her hair like that, I thought it was just goofy. But now it is just “Chloe.” It is cute, but you don’t see it often and it reminds me of the baby on the Flintstones (sorry….)
Tell her Nana said congratulations on outgrowing the a.m. nap. One of many, many milestones in her life!