We live in a strange town when it comes to weather. I’ve lost count the number of times a storm system will just miraculously disappear right when it gets to Shakopee. Sometimes even reappearing just on the other side again! I would say it was linked to the atmosphere of the cities and somehow keeping the air warmer or cooler or something like that, but it can’t be, b/c the same thing does not apply to the cities. Truly it’s only the heart of Shakopee. I sometimes find it disappointing. Like tonight we were supposed to get hammered with rain. But, like usual, a bubble of protection popped up around us and the rain missed us. Odd.
In other exciting news, I get to see my sister in just 5 days! I’m super stoked about it. 🙂 I was just trying to recall the last time she was here during the summer and I think it was 5 years ago for my surprise Birthday party. Wow time sure does fly!
And in other randomness, I’m on the hunt for shorts. I’ve hit a point where all of my old clothes look “too young” (aka too short) and everything I wore last year is too big and the year before that I was pregnant (and REALLY big)… And then you throw in the fact that I have thick strong legs and everything in the store is either too short or too long… it’s a recipe for never finding a pair of shorts. I tried some on tonight and I’m also inbetween sizes. So the one is too big and the other is too small. And I just can’t bring myself to buy a pair that I know is already too big or that I can’t wear yet b/c it’s too tight. You see my dilemma? Yeah. So I guess the only solution is to just loose a little more weight and I’ll be comfortably in the next size. 🙂
Or maybe the solution is to just wear tye-dye dresses for the rest of my life. 😉
I vote for the tye-dye dresses 🙂
I’m with Jen!