I’m very attached to my old phone, and as may of you know, I don’t welcome change very willingly. But the time has finally come for me to upgrade to a new phone. And in the one day that I’ve owned it, I must say I’m pleasantly surprised at how much I like it. I know, I know, change isn’t always a bad thing…
It’s the T-Mobile G2. This is what it looks like:
Since I’m generally very gentle on phones I plan to have this one just as long as my last one (if not longer) so I was pleased to see how nice and heavy-weight it is. It does have a flip out keypad which was a must for me–I can’t seem to navigate on keypads on the screen. I end up pushing too many wrong keys… so the physical keypad is nice. Tiny, but nice. 🙂
So, now I’m off to fiddle with my phone some more. Plus Tim installed a really fun word game that I can play on it… hehe… 🙂
Fancy, schmancy!