Yesterday I woke up with a sore neck.  All I can figure is that I must have slept on it wrong.  But it was only on the right side and only if I turned my head a certain way.  It seemed to loosen up throughout the day and wasn’t bothering me too much by the time I went to bed.  I was hoping it would be all better by this morning.

It was DEFINITELY not better this morning.

It was much much worse.  I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, but somehow I woke up with a severe pain all around my neck and I couldn’t look down at all.  I took some Tylenol and dug out my rice heat pack and discovered I had some icy-hot left from a long time ago… and I put them all to work.  It took a while, but eventually I did loosen up and I was even feeling good enough to exercise.  I wanted to make sure I really worked my muscles and kept myself as loose as possible.   And I’m quite pleased to say that for the remainder of my afternoon and evening I haven’t even noticed any pain.  If I look really far down I can feel it, but it’s not bad at all.

But now I’m a little afraid to go to bed.  Especially since I don’t know what I’m doing to bring this on… I guess it’s coming up on that time of pregnancy where I dig out all the pillows and build myself a cocoon of comfort!  🙂  Tim and I counted last time I was pregnant and I think I was using 6 pillow by the end!  Hah!