So the other day I was working away in my office and could hear Chloe puttering around at the piano behind me. When I finally turned around I discovered that she had been taking all of my pens and pencils out of my jar and organizing them. 🙂 Notice how they are all pointing the same direction even. I love it!
For those who were wondering about my neck situation, I’m happy to say that my neck was much better this morning. I slept carefully propped up and tried not to move at all to keep my neck stationary, and it seems to have paid off. Coincidentally I did not sleep very soundly because I kept waking up because I wanted to move, or because I slid down on my giant pile of pillows.. but at least it was worth it! I was really stressed out yesterday when I couldn’t look down because I wasn’t sure how I was going to be able to judge on Sunday. Yikes! But hopefully my neck will be in tip top shape by then.
This morning we took Chloe to our gym and let her play during “kids play time” that they host. It’s free for us because we have a membership. I’ve been wanting to take her for a while because it’s a great way to burn off some energy for her. They basically bring a bunch of toys (some riding ones and then balls and hula hoops, etc.) and let the kids run around as much as they want in the gym for an hour and a half. We only stayed for 45 min or so. I was surprised to discover that Chloe was afraid to play with the toys, or with the kids for that matter. It seems that she was afraid that she would be taking the toys away from the other kids. So considerate, eh?! However, I really wanted to get some type of work out in so I was running back and forth across the gym, so Chloe just ran along side of me–and kept up with me surprisingly well! In fact she ran with me for almost 15 min. straight, at which point she decided to lay down right in the middle of the gym because she was tired. After I convinced her that lying on the edge of the gym was a better choice she did eventually try out some of the toys and had a jolly time. So, Chloe and I got a nice jog in while Tim worked out/lifted weights in the next room. A good exercise day in the Friesen household.