When I was at my appointment yesterday we talked about PUPPS. Remember PUPPS? Yeah, it was that was the terrible red itchy rash that some women develop during pregnancy (usually women having multiples). It came bounding into my life (and all over my skin) about the beginning of my last month of pregnancy and made my life miserable for about a month before working its way out of my system just before Chloe was born.
The interesting thing is that the midwife that I was talking with yesterday also had PUPPS during her last pregnancy. This was her third child and she didn’t develop it with her first two… It was comforting to talk with another woman who had gone through the same (awful) experience.
Anyway, she told me there is only a 20% chance of developing PUPPS again in a future pregnancy. This was music to my ears. 20%! That’s low!
And then I went to bed last night.
And woke up…
….with little spots all over my belly…
Apparently, I’m just that lucky.
The good news is that they don’t itch much at all yet. And this time around I know how to deal with them. I’m hopeful that just like last time it will work its way out of my system after about a month…
Oh no! I’m so sorry. I hope they go away more quickly this time.
Bummer!!! Not just a different rash?