Today was gorgeous. Maybe sunny days just seem more pleasant when surrounded by so many rain days… 🙂 But either way, it was nice. We spent a good chunk of time outside this morning doing yard work and enjoying the sunshine.
I’m finally putting together my teaching schedule for June. I put it off way too long, but I didn’t want to schedule anything until I knew how I was feeling. And it looks like I’ll only have a handful of students who want to take lessons in June anyway, so I’m not too worried. At this point I only have 16 signed up and 28 opting out. There are still 24 to respond yet, but if the odds are consistent I would only expect a few more to take. I’m a little bummed b/c I have the feeling I’m going to be a little bored in June… 😛 Plus it would have been nice to have a little more income before taking 2 months off.
In other news I painted Chloe’s toenails the other day and she really wanted to match me, so I painted mine too. It’s funny how much she cares about it. She was pretty insistent that Tim also have toenails to match us, but he didn’t seem too keen on having red toenails to show off. 🙂 So instead we took a picture (which is really hard to do with a huge belly!) of our matching toes. (Sorry it’s a little blurry….) She thought taking a picture was the best thing ever. I’m so happy she’s easy to please. 🙂
If you’re bored in June, you can just hang out with us. We’ll have to meet in some parks and let the kids run and play. And we can sit and watch. 🙂
What beautiful feet!
Best picture of feet EVER!