Chloe has been asked to be a flower girl in a wedding in August. She’s VERY excited about it. Very. The wedding is actually the oldest girl in our “nanny family” who was the first one ever to come and watch Chloe when she was a newborn. She watched Chloe for the first year and then she headed off to college… so when she left her younger sister took over for her. So Chloe has literally grown up in front of their eyes, so much so, that they are almost like family.
So today we went over to try on two flower girl dresses that they had picked up to see if they fit. They both fit fine so then came the dilemma of which one they liked better. They tentatively chose the right hand dress above (dress 2 if you scroll over the picture) but they want to look a little more just to be sure. (Oh, and sorry for the poor pictures above–I took them on my phone…) So, we’ll be trying on a few more dresses, I’m sure–which Chloe doesn’t seem to mind AT ALL. 🙂
I’ve given her a timeline of when she’ll be in the wedding by saying it is after the baby arrives. So now she will tell perfect strangers “after the baby comes I get to be in the wedding” as we’re walking through a store or down the street. It’s funny. I’ve tried to explain that most people don’t really care about the wedding, but to no avail… I’m hopeful that she’ll be able to walk down the aisle and not freeze up after looking forward to it for so long!
She looks so happy! If she can get her regular nap that day, she will probably have no trouble walking down the aisle. 🙂
What little girl doesn’t want to dress up like a princess? 🙂
From the pictures, I love the right one, too. All those little roses!