I’m sitting here in the hospital for our final night–just me and little J.D. He’s contentedly sleeping in his bassinet next to me and I have relaxing harp music playing in the background. Life is good. 🙂
I know some women don’t like staying in the hospital and count the hours until they get to go home, but I must honestly say that I love staying in the hospital. Much like I love flying in airplanes and others hate it. Maybe it’s the novelty of it all, but I’m sooooo much more relaxed here than I ever am at home. Probably because I can’t look around and see a million things I think I should be doing. And because of that, I don’t feel guilty just lying around all day accomplishing nothing. So, I will soak up this last night and prepare to head home in the morning.
I realized tonight that I promised more pictures today and I didn’t get around to taking too many… and none in “real” clothes yet. But don’t you worry, I am quite certain I will become a picture junkie once we get home and you will all be sick of pictures soon. 🙂 We did get a few pictures today–one of which was our very first family picture. Look! We’re officially a family of FOUR!
Everyone looks so happy! Chloe’s smiles are awesome!
Love the family picture! And his eyes are so open in them! (His expression in Chloe’s arms is like, “Whoa!!” Makes me smile. )
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! He is so adorable. I can’t wait to see him in person!