Writing about all the big & little things

Screen Time

chloe playing curious george

Recently I’ve allowed Chloe to start playing educational games on my computer as a reward for doing tasks around the house.   She loves playing each game and then earning a “page in her sticker book” that she can then decorate how she wants and print.  So, it’s part screen time and part art time I guess.  The funny part is that Josiah just loves to sit and watch her.  He generally doesn’t even try to touch the computer or mouse–just watches.  I can hear Chloe asking him what game she should pick next so she’s involving him which I think is so cute.

Speaking of Chloe:  It’s come to our attention recently about Chloe being a “sore loser.”  We’re trying to figure out how to instill the idea that not everything is always about her and what she will “get.”  It’s tough to teach a child to be less selfish when we live a selfish world.  And, frankly, I remember being VERY selfish at her age too.  There are many (many!) pictures of me as a child sitting next to the Birthday boy/girl with a sour expression on my face because it wasn’t my Birthday and they weren’t MY gifts.   It’s crazy how many of my traits I can see in Chloe when she obviously didn’t even know me as a child.  It’s a bit scary sometimes.

So, we’re talking more about being generous and trying to focus on how giving makes other happy and that in turn makes us happy.  It’s a tough and slow process.

Anyway, that’s some of the conversations going on in our house these days.  🙂


  1. chris

    Some of those things are so hard to teach – I think kids just pick it up eventually from the attitudes they see others, especially more mature people, displaying – hopefully good attitudes! That picture of Josiah just sitting and watching is so precious. I wonder how long that will last!

  2. Tara

    you are such an amazing mom!

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