Writing about all the big & little things
I made it!
Days 20 and 21 were much easier than day 18. I hit the point where I was so close I knew I could make it. Plus I had my Mom’s awesome encouraging texts over the weekend to get me through. We even attended a birthday party (without kids!) and I was able to stick to my plan and was even able to resist having the delicious cake.
And now = 21 days done!!!
And I’m quite pleased with my results. I lost 10.8 pounds and 6.25 inches. I only measured the big spots on my body (waist, hips and belly) so that’s actually a pretty impressive when you consider that! I lost 2.5 inches on my waist alone! I kinda wish I had measured everything (calves, arms, thighs, etc.) now but, oh well.
But more than just the numbers lost I am incredibly pleased with the results. Here are a few things I have noticed over these past 21 days:
So. What are my final thoughts on this program? Would I recommend it? Would I do it again?
Well, I do like this program. I think it is very effective. It definitely helps with adjusting portion sizes and increasing water and vegetables. It has also helped me think about making sure I have some healthy fats in my day. So, in that sense I would absolutely recommend it. However, it was quite the mental challenge. Tim was soooooo ready for me to be done. He was tired of me obsessing about everything I ate. And as you probably picked up from my daily posts–this is not for the weak of resolve. You need to be wholly committed for the 21 days. I had some bad days in there for sure but was able to muster the will-power to make it through. You need a good support team behind you. Oh, and you need to have a boatload of veggies on hand. So, would I do it again? Maybe. But not for a long time. I’m more likely to try doing it for simply one week. I feel like I got my best results in the first week anyway.
Josiah’s teacher called me today during school. She wanted to let me know how good he was in school today and share a cute story** with me. It’s so great to hear that he’s doing well in school and being an encourager to others. Today was a big day for their class–his teacher has been undergoing treatment (chemo and radiation) for breast cancer and today was her final treatment! They celebrated by wearing pink (Josiah didn’t have any, so he wore red instead) and even had cookies at the of the day. Chloe had the same Kindergarten teacher and we just adore her, so we’re all very happy for her!
We did end up getting some snow today, for anyone who was curious. It was warm enough that none of it really accumulated (much to chagrin of the kids!).
21 Day Fix Update: Day 19 done! Today was much better. Mostly due to Mom’s encouraging texts throughout the day. 😉 But I did eat all my required food without cheating and I did my workout (cardio today). Only two more days. Oh! And I was able to wear my dress pants without them cutting into my stomach. I call that a win!
** The story goes like this: Today in class they were talking about the number 9. Josiah was excited and started talking to the person next to him (and his teacher overheard this conversation). He happily said, “I have a sister. She’s 9! And she’s Beautiful…” 🙂
The big news around here is that we’re probably going to get snow tomorrow! I accidentally forgot to check if the kids had snow boots in the correct sizes until yesterday so I quick ordered some on Amazon, but even with the amazing 2 day shipping they aren’t expected to arrive until tomorrow afternoon…. oops. So, I’m hoping we just get rain tomorrow. Ha!
21 Day Fix Update: Day 18. Ugh. Not gonna lie. I think it’s starting to get harder at the end. I’m so close to just being done that I’m finding I just want to quit now. I’ve stopped loosing weight for a couple days now and that’s discouraging. I know that the scale shouldn’t be the end all, but since it’s so much work trying to eat the right foods and amounts is exhausting it’s nice to have a reward. I know I am getting stronger but I would love to also get lighter too! 🙂 I literally shoveled my cottage cheese and blueberries in my mouth for my snack. I was not digging it. Why are these last days so hard? You would think I would be motivated to finish strong……….
21 Day Fix Update: Day 17 on track. I have been quite hungry today. I’m not sure why. But I’m hoping that means I’m burning more calories because I’m building more muscle. For the first time today I didn’t enjoy my yogurt and blueberries as much. But I forced myself to eat it because it was on my plan and I know it will keep me full. My workout today was Leg Day. It’s hard. I find that I’m normally a little sore after leg day still. The scale has started to be stubborn… but on a positive note I can tell my thighs are getting more toned, so that’s encouraging.
We have a walker! He actually could have been walking sooner, but he was a little stinker and kept sitting down and crawling when I would try and make him walk. But he’s become confident enough–due in large part to that little airplane/car that he likes to push Maddie around in–to finally enjoy walking on his own. I enjoy watching how proud of himself he is.
21 Day Fix Update: Day 16 going strong. It has been a day of great achievements: I was actually able to do the full 1 minute of my forearm plank today AND I was able to fit into my regular (non-maternity!) jeans. Whooo hooo!!! I feel like I’m really on the home stretch now. I can see the end in sight. I’m already starting to think about which parts I will keep incorporating into my normal routine starting next week. Although I’m looking forward to taking a mental break for a few days and just eating whatever I want (within moderation of course).
Well, Levi and I made a delightful trip to the Emergency Room last night a midnight.
Sure enough, he has croup. It came on super fast. Just yesterday morning I started to hear that he was getting sick and by bedtime he had the tell-tale barky cough. And then by midnight he woke up crying and just couldn’t settle down which was making it really hard to breathe. So, off to E.R. we went. They were able to give him some meds and a nebulizer treatment and then we had to wait and be observed for a while before we were released.
Today he has been doing SO much better. For most of the day he was actually basically his chipper self. However, now that we’ve hit afternoon he’s been crying a lot again. Hopefully we’ll all be able to get some sleep tonight!
21 Day Fix Update: Days 13 & 14 = The weekend. Ugh. I actually did really well on Saturday and reasonably well on Sunday. I definitely didn’t blow my day or anything, but there was definietely extra food… for example, I ate a few pieces of candy and had a few chips with Jalapeno dip and a couple sips of apple cider… Like I said–not terrible but not totally on my plan.
21 Day Fix Update: Day 15 is almost done. I actually thought I would have a harder time getting myself to eat right and get in my exercise since I was up so long in the middle of the night. But surprisingly I’ve done just fine! I’ve been super diligent about eating my foods since I cheated yesterday. 🙂
I went to bed a bit down last night. But today is a brand new day! And best yet–it’s my amazing friend’s (Shannon!) Birthday! So, really, who can be blue on such a great day!?
At 8:00 this morning, I took a picture of what all the kids were up to:
Levi was happily pushing his car. Maddie was playing in the tunnel. And Chloe & Josiah were writing their own books. Ah, it’s the joy of a day off of school!
21 Day Fix Update: I’m plugging away on Day 12. It’s all a matter of mind over matter, right? So, I’ve decided to make this work. I changed up my lunch a little and it was AMAZING. Plus I really worked out hard, so I feel good about that. We’re providing veggies again for our football shindig we have with our friends this Sunday, so I’m already setting myself up for success there too. Tonight I get to have that slice of bread with almond butter that I missed out on yesterday, so I’m excited about that too. 🙂
21 Day Fix Update: Well, I’m done with day 11. I’m now officially over halfway done. And I’ll admit today was probably the hardest. I mean on the one hand, I’m halfway done! But on the other hand… I’m ONLY halfway done…. I missed homemade food today. I made the family crock pot lasagna. I had sugar snap peas for supper and forgot that those don’t count as veggies right now, and it totally bummed me out. I had to give up my last carb (which I was planning on a slice of wheat bread with almond butter) for those peas which just seemed silly. But I’ll keep on plugging away. I’m still seeing really nice improvements. And the scale is continuing to move steadily (even if slowly) downward.
21 Day Fix Update: Day 10 almost done! Today was good. I got up early so I could work out again before BSF. Boo Yah! I tried having baked carrots tonight for supper. I was not a fan. I’m starting to get a little tired of the same foods, so I think I’m going to have to change things up. It’s just hard when I want to finish the foods I have in the fridge before starting new ones… and on this diet the food goes a really long way! I made myself brown rice on Saturday and I’m STILL eating it today. 🙂
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