Writing about all the big & little things

Category: Baby Friesen (Page 4 of 5)

30 Weeks

30 Weeks (4)

I’ve crossed over the 30 week mark!  Whoo whoo!  Actually, technically tomorrow I’m already 31 weeks, I just forgot to post last week.   I’m just about to start crossing into the comically big stage–haha!  I have a comparison picture at 32 weeks from both Chloe and Josiah, so I’ll be sure to post all three next week.

Now that we’re nearing the end of April and I can count down the weeks on two hands I’m starting to get excited.  I know I still have a ways to go, but it’s fun to know I’m getting close.  And last week a friend of mine from church had her baby and another gal in my BSF group had her baby on Friday!  Suddenly all the babies are starting to arrive!

Pregnancy Update: 29 Weeks

That’s right folks, I’m just about to cross into the 30’s weeks in my pregnancy.  I’m really excited to hit 30 weeks.  Somehow (and I know it’s completely mental) 29 weeks seems to far away and 30 weeks seems so close.  And now that we’re into April my goal is to just make it through to the end of the school year, which is the end of May.  I don’t care when the baby comes in June.  As long as it comes in June.  🙂

I went in for another appointment last Thursday and I was measuring 3 over again.  The midwife was concerned and scheduled me for a growth check ultrasound.  I fought it for a little bit, since I’m aware that I just tend to be a big pregnant woman.  I’ve made my peace with it, why can’t everyone else!?  😉  But after thinking it through and talking it over with Tim we decided that if there was even a possibility that there might be something wrong we should have the ultrasound.  I would just kick myself forever if I didn’t have the ultrasound done and then later discovered there was a problem that could have been prevented if we had seen it earlier.  So, I went back in that afternoon and had the ultrasound.  It was kind of fun.  I have such normal pregnancies that I only have ever had the one ultrasound for each baby at 20 weeks.  So this one (being at 28 weeks) was so much more interesting.  She’s getting bigger and starting to put on a little fat which makes her look a bit cuter.   And, happily, there was nothing to be concerned about.  She is measuring just mere days ahead of schedule.  They weren’t entirely sure why I’m measuring big, but nothing was worrisome.  (whew!)

I’m feeling pretty good.  Nothing much to report about this pregnancy.  Once in a while my hands feel tight like I have too much blood pushing against the skin, which is not the most delightful feeling.  But I was reading back about my other pregnancies, and I’m happy to report I don’t have any of the other “charming” pregnancy problems I had (yet… I do have a couple more months to go of course) such as: PUPPS, massive swelling in my ankles and carpel tunnel.   So, even if they do come back to haunt me, at least I can say I made it this far without those problems.  🙂

And finally a picture… the camera was dead, so Tim took this on his phone.

29 weeks

Frazzled Friday

I know contest is getting close because I’ve spent my entire morning responding to emails and making changes/corrections to the contest schedule.  Yikes!   Let the chaos begin!

This weekend is going to be full (and fun, I’m sure!) as well.  We have all the cousins over for the day tomorrow, Chloe has swim practice, I’m teaching Baker’s piano, then Ryan & Steph as well as Kristen & Jer are coming over for supper (and to pick up their kids… hehe!) and then on Sunday I have another batch of volunteers coming to help work on contest folders.  But the AWESOME news is that it should be warm enough for the kids to play outside!  Yippie!!!

In other news I had my 24 week appointment yesterday.  Nothing new or exciting to share except that I’m measuring big–three weeks bigger than I should be.  Hmmmm… I asked her if it was something to be worried about–and also reminded her that I’m normally on the bigger side when I’ve been pregnant before–and she said if I measure three over again next time then I have to have another ultrasound.  So, I go back in one month.  We’ll see what happens then.  Also, at my next appointment I get to do the oh-so-much-fun-glucose-screening.  That’s the test where you have to drink this massive cup of really sweet thick “liquid” so see how my body can take on carbs and sugar.  If I don’t pass then I have to go back for a 2 hour test.  I passed fine with both Chloe and Josiah, so I’m not worried, but you just never know with each pregnancy.  🙂

Starting to get big! (23 Weeks)

I’m embracing my “big-ness” since I’ve crossed over the point of no return.  I’m very clearly pregnant now.  🙂  See?

23 weeks pregnant

I’m feeling good still, just a bit of hip pain on my left side.  I remember that from when I was pregnant with Josiah… In fact, by the end I had hip & lower back pain, and had to go to the chiropractor.  I’m curious if I’ll need to do that again… I like going to the chiropractor, it’s just not covered by our insurance, so it costs a lot for us.

In other news, tonight’s the topic of the hour is “what colors are in this dress?”  Many of you have probably seen the picture…


Tim and I have had a looooooooong discussion about the dress. I see it as a blue dress with black lace.  He sees it as a white dress with gold lace.  The funny part is that I DID see it as gold and white earlier tonight, and now I only see black and blue!  I know it’s an optical illusion and how our eyes/brains are interpreting the colors–but it’s maddening!

19 Weeks!

One week from today we have the ultrasound to find out how the baby is doing–I am so excited!  The other night I asked Tim if he thought it was going to be a boy or a girl.  It was funny, because he had the same answer as me, without us ever discussing it before… I’m not going to tell you yet.  🙂  First I’m going to let you all guess what you think it might be.

What do you think?  Friesen Baby #3:  Girl or Boy?

I keep going back in forth in my mind about how one or the other would mesh better with our family.   Truth be told, it’s times like these that I’m so thankful that we don’t get to decide.  It’s so much more comforting to leave it in God’s hands and know that he will give our family just what it needs.

One thing is for sure:  We have agreed that our family will be complete with 5.  So, no more after this.   Tim and I are both excited to start clearing out the baby clothes and maternity stuff in the near future.  As soon as I’m done being pregnant this time I’m going to be able to pass along a very large bin of maternity clothes to whoever might need it.  And after the baby is born we’ll be able to get rid of the opposite gender clothing.  We have boxes and boxes of clothes stored in our garage.  Seriously–it’s a lot of boxes.  Of course, that’s still a few months down the road, but after moving ALL those boxes from house to house (twice!) it will be nice to use them and then be done with them.  🙂

17weeks pregnant

For those of you who don’t live close to me, here’s a picture of what I look like now.  🙂  I know you were probably DYING to know, right?

17 weeks two pictures

I couldn’t resist also putting in the picture with Josiah posing… haha!

I’m feeling dandy this time around being pregnant.  Actually I’ve felt fine through all of my pregnancies.  But this time is no different–except that I’ve gotten bigger faster.  But I have to attribute part of that to being heavier at the start of this pregnancy.  I’m so excited to start feeling the baby move.  I expect in the next 2-3 weeks I should be able to feel tiny kicks.

I’ve dug into my maternity bin to pull out pants already, but the shirts look a bit tent-like still.  I’m also discovering that a lot of my maternity shirts have been a bit shrunk and misshapen after going through 2 pregnancies of washing and wearing… so I might need to find a few new shirts as I get bigger.

My ultrasound appointment is just less than 3 weeks away–I’m really excited to see the baby (and make sure there is only ONE in there!)  😉  We haven’t even started talking about names yet…

And that’s me in a nutshell at 17 weeks along.  🙂

On the road to a bigger family

Today we went to look at minivans.  Yup.  That fated day when we finally bite the bullet and accept the fact that we won’t be a car family much longer.  I’ve never been a fan of minivans–I would much rather have an SUV, however the cost difference is way to much for us to swallow.  And besides, it’s just a vehicle, right?  Who REALLY cares what it is, as long as we can actually travel as a family together from point A to point B.  So, we test drove a few options today and now we have to crunch numbers and see what we can get for our car and figure out our budget and what not.  It will be a bittersweet day saying goodbye to my faithful Ford Fusion.  I have really loved that car.  But it sounds like I’ll probably love our next vehicle as well–almost every person I’ve talked to that now has a minivan says they love it and wouldn’t go back.   We’ll see if I’m singing the same tune soon!  🙂

Baby #3 doing great.

I had another appointment this morning with my midwife. We decided to have Chloe come along (since she’s off of school) and she was thrilled. I got to show her the pictures in the office of how the baby grows from week to week in the Mom’s belly–and we both agreed that the first few pictures of a new baby are pretty strange looking. 🙂

We also got to listen to the heartbeat (she said a nice strong 150ish beat). She said I’m measuring a tad big, but that’s normal for all my pregnancies. And that was about it–nothing much more to report. I haven’t taken any pregnancy pictures, because I pretty much look about the same that I did before. 🙂 My next appointment won’t be until Feb. 5th and it will be the big ultrasound one. Yippie! I’ll have lots to report after that one! 🙂

And she’s off…

This afternoon Chloe left for her first big adventure–her first visit to Nana & Bumpa’s house all by herself.  I am sure that she’s going to have a splendid time (and probably won’t want to leave!).  We’ve been talking about this visit coming for weeks and weeks so it’s fun that it’s finally arrived.   That means that the next event in her life is the wedding coming up in August, so I’m sure once she gets back she’ll be asking every day when that is… haha!  It’s an exciting summer for her, that’s for sure!

I am pleased to inform you that last night JD slept in-between all of his feedings very well.   I, on the other hand, didn’t sleep that well… I kept thinking he would wake up at any moment, so I slept really lightly and tossed and turned for most of it.  So, I’m excited to see if he sleeps again tonight as well as last night.  Today he had nice long stretches of awake time, so I’m extremely hopeful!

Tomorrow Tim heads back to work.  We’re both a bit sad about him having to go back–it’s been so wonderful having him home.  But we all knew that life had to return to its (new) normal pace soon enough.

Before I go, here’s my newest favorite picture of JD.  I just adore those little forehead wrinkles!  🙂

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