Yup, Chloe’s back.
We met my folks in Hudson to pick her up after supper last night. It sounds like she had a fantastic time–and she talked NON-STOP the whole way home. It was like her mouth was working independently from her brain and just couldn’t stop. Tim and I just had to laugh at how she just kept going and going (and going!).
I must admit I was a bit concerned about today. I was worried that my first day with both kids would be awful. And I wasn’t sure how Chloe would be after being gone for a few days… I fully expected a few meltdowns and conflicts. But I’m happy to say it’s been great. Chloe has been so exited to see and help JD as much as possible. And I’m so much more comfortable with knowing his schedule now that I’m not so stressed about that anymore. Overall, I’d say a success.
This morning we made a quick run out to David’s Bridal to pick up Chloe’s flower girl dress. I just have to take the straps up a tiny bit and figure out how to steam it to get the wrinkles out now… It’s nice to have the dress a couple weeks before the wedding though, so I can work on it leisurely and not feel rushed. Oh, and Tim took her dress shoe shopping last week and the new shoes look like they’ll match perfectly. (whew!) More things crossed off the endless “to do” list. Yippie!
My next big thing is lesson sign-up day this coming Monday. Chloe is going to spend the night at Bakers house on Sunday to Monday so I can focus on scheduling for the morning. I’ll send out the email Monday morning at 7:00 and I expect to be mostly done by 10:00. It’s a crazy couple of hours, but totally worth it to have my fall schedule figured out and set. I’m excited!
It must be nice to have your girl back. That is an awesome photo!
You could give her of the ring pops before the wedding. The red or blue would look great with the white. Maybe Nana can post a picture of how well the blue went with her purple dress. Dad
Haha, Dad. 🙂 I’m not sure how the bride would feel about having a flower girl with blue teeth in all her pictures! If only they made clear suckers………
You could *totally* make those! Just make suckers and don’t put any food coloring in them! 😀
Glad to hear things are going smoothly! Sorry I didn’t call today — I got a minor case of heat stroke working in the yard this morning and I slept most of the afternoon.
Talk with you soon!