This morning I took JD to his one week check up. Everything went smashingly well–the appointment time even worked perfectly in his eating/awake/sleep schedule. Just after they poked him with his shot it was time for him to sleep anyway, so he cried for 20 seconds and then was pretty much out. It was awesome.
Here are his stats for today compared to when he was born:
Born…………. Today……………..
9 lbs. 1 oz. 9 lbs. 7 oz.
21 inches 21.5 inches (body)
14.25 inches 14.75 inches (head)
When we left the hospital his weight was down to 8 lbs. 9 oz. so in less than a week he’s gained almost a pound. See, I told you he was a good eater. 🙂
Today was my first time out of the house since we went to the hospital. It has been nice to just relax and stay home for so long, but it was also nice to get out into society again. I’m slowly starting to feel more like myself again. I’m able to do more things without getting so winded which is nice. Yesterday I (very slowly as to not overdo it) mowed the lawn. It was exciting to be able to use my (not-so-new-anymore) lawn mower. Tim had banished me from using the mower the week after we got it because I was having so many braxton hicks. It’s funny to me in hindsight, since there was no worry of me going into labor early at all seeing as he came 4 days late.
Speaking of late, did you realize that Chloe and Josiah were both exactly 4 days late? Weird huh?
And speaking of Chloe… she is having the time of her life at Nana & Bumpa’s house. We talked to her last night on the phone and it was clear in her voice how much fun she was having. I’m so glad. I’m sure by the time she comes back I’ll be shocked at how grown up she seems to me!
And even though I’m starting to miss her, it’s been wonderful to be able to take these few days and enjoy just focusing on JD. Every day I start to figure out his little mannerisms and quirks more and more. And he’s starting to sleep a little more soundly in-between his night feedings which is helping both Tim & I sleep better. And sleep is a very very good thing these days… 🙂
It’s amazing how quickly babies physically grow! And yes, when Chloe gets back, she will seem very big and grown up. 🙂
Isn’t it a relief to know he is growing so well when you can’t actually see how much he is eating? So now you can just relax and know that he is getting what he needs.