Friesen Talk

Writing about all the big & little things

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Easter 2019

We had a fun filled Easter weekend.  Let’s see if I can bullet point things into a nice concise list:

  • visit from Grandma Patsy (for the weekend!)  She brought blankets for the Big Kids that she had crocheted.  I’ll have to get a picture.  They’re so fun and colorful!
  • dyed eggs with the kids (I let the Littles do 2 and then whisked them off to a quiet time–it was too stressful!)
  • made sweet banana rolls again
  • made layered jello eggs (which didn’t turn out very well, but left us with a boatload of leftover jello that I made into a pretty layered dish)
  • Easter egg hunt for the kids on Saturday afternoon. This was mostly Jen’s doing. I helped fill all the eggs, but she does the work of hiding them all.  The kids love it.  I might have a picture or two that turned out on my regular camera.  I need to look…
  • before church we sat down and read our new book (see photo below) that I just got for the kids.  I love it so much.  We’ve been reading it all week.  I highly recommend it.
  • went to church for 2nd service and then stayed to help in nursery for the 3rd service.  Tim was playing so he had to be there early and stay for the morning.  The kids helped me in nursery for the 3rd service.
  • enjoyed Sunday afternoon eating and socializing with Bakers, Patsy and Jen.  The kids had fun running around together.
  • Sunday night, after eating way too much, the kids and I curled up the couch and watched The Little Prince on Netflix.  A great end to a fun weekend.

Unhappy Levi

The other day during Levi’s morning quiet time, I could tell that he was getting upset about something.  I figured it was simply a toy that he was playing it.  He often gets frustrated when a toy won’t work in the exact manner he wants it to… so he’ll yell at it and then angrily throw it discard it before realizing that he actually does want it and then pick it back up.  Ah, the life of a 2 year old.

But after a while I could tell he was more concerned rather than angry this time.  So, I went to see what was the matter…

Apparently he got bored during his quiet time and decided it might be fun to take his shirt off.  Well, actually not off.  Rather he pulled it down… to his waist. And it was uncomfortable, since that’s the neck hole.  Haha!

Don’t worry, I saved him and the shirt was able to return (mostly) to the right size again.

Instant Pot = Ham & Brussels Sprouts

Side note:  I just learned that it is in fact Brussels sprouts with an “s” a the end of brussel.  Huh.  I always thought it was brussel sprouts.  But thanks to red lines under my misspelled words, I am now wiser!  So, if you didn’t know that–now you do too!

I made a ham yesterday in my Instant pot in preparation for Sunday, which is EASTER!  Yippie!  It turned out quite well, so I am excited to make it again on Sunday.  And it was so fast compared to heating it for hours in the oven.  It had a nice flavor with crushed pineapple and honey and brown sugar smothered all over it, so really, what’s not to like?!

Family breakdown:  Josiah loved it.  The rest of the kids were just ok with it.  Tim and I both liked it a lot.

Then today I made Brussels sprouts.  It ended up being Brussels sprouts in sauteed onions with a little seasoning–and I’m still on the fence about it.  I am pretty sure I like it.  I just have to come to terms with little tiny cabbages.  It was a tad too peppery, so my mouth felt a bit spicy after I ate a few.  Maddie and Levi sampled it and came back for a 2nd and 3rd bite, so I can say that they approve.  I did like the convenience of the speed of cooking it in the instant pot.  It was a few minutes to saute the onions and then I put the lid on and pressure cooked it for 5 min. (which really isn’t 5 min. because it has to come up to pressure first which can take 5-10 min, but it is still unsupervised cooking time, which I can appreciate).

One of my friends suggested I saute the sprouts with bacon, so I’m going to try that tomorrow.  🙂  I can imagine that the bacon will give it a nice flavor boost.

Learning to type

I remember taking a typing class in middle school.  We would file into a very small room with computers along all the walls and then we take a little notepad and spend the duration of the class typing nonsensical words and sentences until we finished that book and could move on to the next.

I loved typing class.

Probably because it reminded me of playing the piano and I liked the way it felt to jab away at the keyboard.  I was also very competitive, so I wanted to be the first person done each day with our assignment.

With the advancement of tablets and phones and smart boards, we have lost the essential need to have typing classes in school.  So, I have decided that our children will learn to type the good old fashioned way, like I did.  I was able to find a library book similar to what I used in school so at swim lesson on Sunday nights the big kids are learning to type.  While one is in the water, the other one will sit at the computer and practice.  They both seem to enjoy it, although it’s harder than they both thought it would be…   Chloe has dabbled a little in typing before, but now we’re actually carving out time to make a bigger dent.  I know they are both very excited to (eventually) be able to sit down and write out their own stories and thoughts.  Not to mention how much this will eventually help them with homework and writing papers down the road!

The start of the work season

Regardless of the lingering snow (don’t worry, it’s almost gone) Tim’s work season is officially kicked into gear.  He actually started about a month ago, but he’s now busy enough to merit having nannies come again after school.  So, today marks the first day of nannies again.

I know I’ve mentioned before my mixed emotions with having nannies come.  I’m so thankful for these girls, and I’m also so thankful for Tim and I both having jobs; but it is definitely a little more work to have everything prepped and cleaned every day.  I have to really be on the ball right away in the morning to get everything done.  But on the flip side–the kids simply LOVE having nannies come and the variety of people they get to see each week.  Plus there is the added bonus of getting to go the park and do fun activities with them.  Two of the three nannies we have are repeat nannies from the Fall, and one is new, so it’s even more exciting for them to be able to look forward to seeing these girls again.

And, like so many things in life, this is just a season.  Before long we won’t even need nannies anymore.  The kids will be able to come home from school and entertain themselves or work on homework or chores.  Granted, that’s still a couple of years out, but I’m sure it will go faster than I think!

Oh, and I would like to wish a very Happy Birthday to my little brother, Luke!  I don’t think he actually reads my posts, but in case he does… I hope you have a FANTASTIC day, Luke!

April Snowstorm (2019)

And just when we thought we had moved into Spring……..

It snowed. Again.

We had school cancelled.  Again.

I thought about taking a picture, but I feel like you all can visualize snow in your head just fine.  😉  We got about 9 inches–but then it rained a bit on top so it squished down to a heavy 5 inches.  It was actually a really strange storm:  it snowed like crazy, then it stormed with lightening and thunder with hail and then it rained for a bit more and then it snowed bit fat fluffy flakes again today.  Oh, and don’t forget we still have flooding from the initial thawing… what a funny spring!

Ah, remember last week when it was Spring Break and we played at the park?  Yeah, that was great.  I know it will melt quickly, so I’ll hold on a few more weeks for Spring!


Alisa is back!

Alisa is home from Japan!  She got home on Monday and came over that night to see us!  Can you believe that?  Even after a 12 hour flight home!

The kids were so excited to see her–although Levi didn’t really remember who she was… she’s been gone for 18 months, so he was just turning one when she left.  But while she was in Japan, she wrote Chloe and Josiah letters, and both kids wrote back to her as well.  So everyone has been eagerly awaiting her return.

She asked to have Boneless Wings and we were happy to oblige.  🙂  That is definitely a meal favorite here.  So she and Kumi came over for supper and stayed to play with the kids and just hang out for a little bit.  (Sadly, I had to teach, but I did see her during my supper break)  They were REALLY tired, so they couldn’t stay too long.

Oh, and she brought the kids gifts!  How sweet of her!


Josiah the Photographer

I let Josiah carry my camera around the other day.  He was extremely excited to be able to take pictures of whatever he wanted.  So, I gave him the lecture on proper use of a camera and how to hold it–and off he went.

He took 452 pictures.

Yes, you read that right.  FOUR HUNDRED and fifty-two pictures.

I admit I’ve been dragging my feet to go through them.  That’s a lot of pictures… He found the setting that takes rapid sequence shots, so there are a bunch of “flip books” of pictures, so that adds up pictures really fast.

It was fascinating to see what he wanted to capture.  Here are a few of the gems that I found:


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